Monday, July 5, 2010

Runner Numbers

Happy Independence Day everyone. Melissa and I finally got a flag. How patriotic are we, almost 8 years of marriage and we just now get a flag.

So we should probably be thinking of what runner we want to be. There is a pdf that can be downloaded of the legs from the ragnar site.

I want to be runner 7.

Also, what is the plan on van 2? Are we gonna try dads van again?


Danny and Kimberly said...
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Jonathan said...

Dad also volunteered his truck. We will have to see what our options are as we get closer.

It would be nice to have someone who had run Vegas before like Chris Parry did for Wasatch. None of the legs look very difficult. I would like leg 5.

Danny and Kimberly said...

I vote no on the Van. I am not even sure it will make it down there. I have a Yukon that we could use. Not a ton of room, but it would work.

Just read through this and found out I can't type. Changed a few things and reposted.