Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outside hurts

I have been doing really awesome on the treadmill over the last month since our meeting. I have worked out all the pain and feel my legs and body getting stronger! I actually hit 5.5 miles last week. Of course, you that are doing 10 miles probably think that is cake, but for me that is huge. Anyway, now that the weather is actually bearable, I have taken to the streets and am back at square one. Why must it hurt so much? I suppose I will just have to get used to it, but I'm hoping that it won't take too long. I think my pace is faster when I run outside, too because I run out of breath quite often. Maybe a week in the Caribbean will help!


Wader said...

Annie, that is AWESOME!! 5 miles is still pretty hard for me to do some days, but you are doing awesome!!

bonsaiboy2000 said...

Make sure you pace yourself, sometimes after being on the treadmill too long we just go full force and run out of juice outside. Also if possible, make sure you are running on the asphalt and not on the concrete sidewalks. I know there is controversy about this issue but I personally can tell the difference afterwards. Congrats on your 5.5 miler, thats awesome!

VitaMin said...

I can't see how a week in the Caribbean will NOT help! I am so excited for you to go. 5.5 miles is AWESOME! You've had 4 kids which really makes your 5.5 miles at least 15 miles in a Wade body! Did that make sense :) Probably not. Way to go though. I agree with Chris, no sidewalks. Also make sure you are running equal amounts of time on each side of the road. The slope of the road causes problems as well.

Kimberli said...

No worries about the sidewalks....we have none around here. Thanks for the tips on the road. Maybe it would help if I ran more in the center instead of on the edge? I run where there is very infrequent traffic, so that wouldn't really be a problem.