Saturday, October 31, 2009

I did it!

I can't believe it, but I made 3 miles this morning. Ok, so it took me 30 minutes, I had to sing every primary song in my head as I ran that last mile, and my knee was a little bit achy, but I did it! Don't worry, Mic, it will get better, really. I've been walking 3 miles every day all summer so I had a little bit of an advantage to start out with. Take it slow and easy, we have 8 months! Ditto on the happy halloween.

Beautiful morning

I ran later than usual an got to watch the sun rise. It was a great morning for a run except for the patches of fog. I ran a new long for me. 7 miles in 64 minutes. I don't think I ever ran that far in high school, having been a sprinter. Now for Saturday chores and then I'm going to help dad hall hay.

Happy Halloween

Friday, October 30, 2009

Don't eat late

So this mornings run was ridiculous. I ran a mile and my guts were stinging so bad I had to slow down and never really did recover. I walked then ran the walked then ran then walked. Dumb.

I think it was because I ate a bunch of stuff around 10pm after Melissas book club.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pigeon Toes

Jonathan, you're nuts. I still can only go 2 miles. I ran Wednesday without asthma or ankle problems until the last 100 yards. The temp outside registered at a chilly 38. Ha ha, ya I know, but my elbows got a little chilly.

I've noticed however, the more I've been running the further in my feet are starting to point. I figure by the time of the Vegas race they'll be back all the way around once or twice. ;)
I broke the 8 minute per mile (barely!) on my run this morning but it was only for 3 miles and I did it on our treadmill. It was too dang cold to run outside today. Austin thought I was having a heart attck when I got done running this morning (he was waiting his turn for the treadmill) because I had to push real hard the last half mile to make it in under 24 minutes.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

4 mile run today in the wind and cold. The cold wasn't so bad but the wind kept blowing me off the road. I don't really want to run on the treadmill but if it blows much harder I might not have a choice. Kimberli is doing very well. It's amazing what can be acomplished with the right motivation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Turkey Trot

Team, I found some races around Thanksgiving. There are two 5K races one in Smithfield and one in Rexburg.

Smithfield Turkey Trot November 21 click on the register button on the left to register online
Rexburg Turket Trot November 27 8 AM for more info email me and I will email you the info. I don't like to post emails on blogs without permission.

Day of rest

No run today and thank goodness. I need some tights to run in the morning. The temp has dropped and will only get a high in the upper 30's today. No snow yet though. I actually thought about getting up and running today because it feels good to start the day with a run. But the body must have time to heal.

Monday, October 26, 2009

2nd day train

So apparently the popping my knee did all weekend was good. No pain today. Or else it all moved down into my foot? On the opposite leg? Man it's killing me. I'm thinking I may need a doctor to look at it. Rats. Any takers, wanna smell my nasty feet??

Ran about the same, but my dumb lungs had to take a break a little over half way. My body can probably handle a longer distance, but my lungs won't allow it. I hate asthma. Mine's not even bad I can't imagine how it is for Melissa.

I still don't like running.

Oh I added a music player, but in my defense, Melissa put on most of the music. Just FYI.

Don't listen to Kimberli

Despite what Kimberli says, I am having to work hard. I have never really enjoyed distance running having always been a sprinter, but I do find that the early mornings are very therapeutic and give me time to contemplate. I can see why Jer enjoyed this and am looking forward to competing at the relats this year. What a bleesing it is to have all your support. I hope we can make this a life long tradition.

Push that wall back!!!

Jonathan and I are running and running. Jonathan more than I. He was mad this morning because he only got an 8 minute mile on his 3 mile run. Boo hoo, I said. I am loving it when I can make it my two miles in 20 minutes! I'm pretty proud of my non-running legs to get that far. Jonathan did go 6 miles on Saturday--that boy can run. Jonathan and I both got new running shoes, too. After examining mine, which I have had for a few years, I decided new ones would be a good idea, too. I can't believe that I am doing this, either. Never could comprehend why people would put their bodies through this torture. Not sure that I still understand that. Best of luck to all in your training! Thanks for supporting our family.

Friday, October 23, 2009

First day training

So I purchased some shoes while we were at park city:

My first pair of Nikes. I had to purchase the widest pair they had. They are quite comfortable. Anyway, after not running anything for, oh 10 years or so, I busted out two miles this morning. I had to drive the route I took to determine how far I went. I was pretty proud of myself.
okay Chris here we all go..... Week one...i haven;t ran a whole lot of distances since my half marathon in September. so this week I ran my first 5 miles since then and was excited to be able to do it in 48:39! my short runs are great too. I also have started putting weight training back into my workouts twice a week. So am i sore....You betcha but it's all for a great cause and loving every minute of it!

End of week one

It has been a week since Jeremy died, we had his funeral, and buried him. I still miss him greatly. Training this week has been frustrating. I can't run near as far as I want to. I ran 2 miles on Monday, but that is the farthest I have gone. I decided that I am pushing myself too hard and am trying to cut back a little. My legs are sore and tired, but I am feeling better about running. The things Jerermy can get me to do.