Saturday, May 29, 2010

Evening run

I recently finished my Saturday run. I woke at 5:00 am to the sound of rain fall. It was coming down hard. I didn't feel like running in the rain so I waited until I got off work at 6:30. Then there was dinner and baths and scriptures and then I left for my run at 7:45ish. I had planned on doing 12 miles but decided that I should shorten it due to the late start but when I reached the 4 mile mark I felt so good I didn't turn around. I'm not sure how far I went but after I had to back track to return a tag along dog i estimate it was close to 13 miles. I got home at 9:30 ish and after stretching out and a long hot shower I'm actually feeling pretty good. We need to figure out how to take a hot tub on the race with us:)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What the heck!!

We're less than a month away from the race! That's hard to believe. It has been out there for so long that all the sudden it is here. Should we be talking about legs and consider if anyone feels like they need to change? I'm not concerned about time or where we place but I don't want anyone injuring themselves running a more difficult leg when some one who is not as injured could trade legs. Just a thought. I know I am feeling a lot better than even 2 weeks ago and that could change any time in the next 3 weeks. I just thought I would toss that out there.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Me too

Our stake organized a 10k for this morning. It wasn't snowing at the time (it is now!) but it was cold enough to snow! There were only 5 of us running the 10k so it was a short list of competition. I ran it in 44:55 but pretty much had to run by myself. One of the Blackfoot HS track teams distance runners started with me but he pooped out at about 2 miles. I ran the rest of the time with Austin rollerblading ahead of me. I swear at about 2 miles from the finish line I could smell the sausage cooking for breakfast that they served afterwards!

10K in the desert

So there was a 10K today. It was a trail run and kinda difficult. I smashed all my records so far however. I ran it in 39:40. Wow, I'm amazed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10k Fun Run

Our Stake is doing a Spring Rally at Jensen's Grove this coming Saturday (May 22). They are having a 10k fun run/walk/bike ride starting at 8 a.m. and then breakfast is at 9 a.m. If any of you locals are interested, I'm sure we would love to have some company! Besides you get breakfast out of the deal!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Running Eval

Today Chris and I had our running form evaluated by the Sports Medicine and Acceleration department of Physical Therapy. They work a lot with USU's teams. They tested our leg strength in various muscles and had us run barefoot and with shoes on while they filmed both from the back and the side. It was so crazy to run barefoot. They watched our running frame by frame and analyzed what we needed to do to improve and prevent injury. I need to work on strengthening my hips because they are too weak and flexible (go figure, child bearing does relax your hip muscles). My posture was good and my core strength was great to keep my upper body steady. I need to increase my cadence (steps per minute). I'm at about 162 with longer strides and they want you to be taking shorter, quicker strides so it's about 175-180. They had a metrinome at 180/min and made me run to that and try to get the feel of it. So on my run home today I tried it and it made me so tired. It felt like it took too much energy to take quicker, shorter steps. It slowed me down about a half a minute a mile compared to the same run last week. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it though. It was good to see how I could improve my running though. Also I did a long run of 8 miles on Saturday in Star Valley and did it in 71 minutes (8:54 min/mile)! I was just happy to be under 9 min miles for that distance. Happy training!

gearing up

So, I got all the vests and leg strap lights, and got the strap lights modified. They came with red LEDs and I pulled them out and put in yellow ones so it would be more noticable. I would like to put another strip of reflective tape on the vests, so I'll be looking for that. Otherwise, as far as this equipment we should be good to go. Provided I don't leave them here! :(

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Coming along

This week proved to be pretty good for my running. I was able to do 4 miles + hills on Monday (on treadmill) rested on Tuesday, Wednesday I did 4.5 on treadmill and Thursday I was able to get outside and got another 3.5. Friday I was sick, sick, sick, so running was not an option. Saturday, after I had a good breakfast I conquered the beast that was 6.5 miles, although I did have to stop and walk frequently. I was severely dehydrated the rest of the day while I was planting the garden, but I never did get real sore or stiffen up from running so far outside. Perhaps my body is adjusting to the asphalt a little better. I'm hoping this week will be just as good for me and that I will be able to find the time to get my runs in outside. Perhaps evening runs will have to happen. You all are doing great and don't forget to email me about the shirts!

Stroller Running

So, instead of fighting the battle with 3 kids at Stake Conference, we decided to do something together as a family that would promote love and peace instead of intent to kill and hatred. We went for a run. Kim pushed Colton in his stroller and I pushed the girls in a jogger stroller that has a severe pull to the left. WOW!!!! If you need to add a little bit more resistance to your run, come get them and try it. Normally I go around 5 miles with little problem. I felt like I had a 50 pound monkey hanging on my back. Not to mention, I was trying to keep the stroller on the footpath of the green belt. My upper body got more of a workout than anything else. It was a good run and we enjoyed being together. That is what is important, right. Keep running!!!! See ya all in a couple weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two Week Report

So last week I ran 5 times. I didn't finish my run on wed. so I finished it on Thurs. morning. My long run ended up being my monday run of 7 miles. I also got in a club I haven't been in before on Friday. I used to be kinda jealous when Jer would come home with bloody socks cuz it seemed so dedicated. Well Friday I ended up coming home with bloodly socks!! Yay for me. Nothing serious, just needed to trim my toenails. Kinda embarassing I know. I then finished the week off with a 4 mile run on Saturday.

This week was insane. I wasn't able to run on Monday like I normally do and I was soooo exhausted still on Tuesday that I didn't run. Wed. I started my run but didn't get the 8 miles in like I wanted so I had to finish it on Thursday. I ran again on Friday. and just got done with my long run of 9 miles. So that ended up being 4 days straight of running and 24 miles total. And I get to start it all over again in a few days!! Happy Running!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Back at it and lovin it

I quit running for two weeks to get myself healed. Somehow my pelvis got out of line and my right leg hurt like crazy, especially when I ran. I am finally back at it this week. My monday run sucked hard. I was out of breath by about the fifth step, but today my morning run was awesome. It's amazing how quickly you can get back on track. One month to go, people. Are we ready?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good week

I'm a little trepidatious to share my week because it was such a good week for me (I don't want to jinx it). I did not run Monday because we got back so late. Tuesday and Wednesday I ran 6 miles on the treadmill because I didn't feel like running in the snow. Friday I did 3 miles on a 3% incline. Then today I ran 10 miles in less than 90 minutes but I'm not certain how much less because I had to make an emergency stop at a bathroom on the greenbelt and forgot to stop my watch. Thank goodness someone had the foresight to put that bathroom there!! Anyways, when I got done I had been running for 90 minutes and I suspect I need to shave 4-5 minutes off for my potty break. In any case when I got home I felt good enough to keep going but I couldn't because there are other things to do besides run.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pocatello 5/10 K run

Kim and I are running in a 5/10 K run in Pocatello the first week of June. If any locals want to join us, hit me up and I will get you the information.

Monday, May 3, 2010

We're back

So we're back from warmer climbs! Had a great time on our cruise. I only ran 4 days I believe. Couldn't drag myself out on Saturday to run the treadmill. They had a joggong track that was so crowded with people walking that using one of their multiple treadmills was a better option. Sea level running is great! My lungs never got tired but I sure was a lot sweatier than at home. I didn't gain too much weight so I should be able to get back into the swing of things quickly.
Well after moving into our house we didn't have internet for a whole 31 days and I feel like I'm so disconnected from the world. But we're back online now. It sounds like everyone is doing awesome with their training! I've been gradually increasing my weekly running and my individual days distances. In April I ended up running 75.6 miles in 11 hours and 27 minutes. I've been able to keep my pace around 9 minute miles which is a huge improvement for me. I also have done a few 3 mile runs once during the week just for an easy day and my average pace for those 3 miles runs is usually around 8.5 min miles. I'm stoked. Saturday I ran 7.3 miles in 1 hour 7 minutes. I was a little unhappy that it was hailing marble size hail balls on me but it turned out ok. I still have yet to run over 8 miles at a time but I will work on that since my second leg is 8.3 miles. I'm getting so excited for the race!