When I entered Jer's last two runs from Vegas into his log, he had 30 miles to go until he reached 1000 miles so I have dedicated all my miles since I got to 1000 to go towards Jer's 1000. Today I reached his 1000 mile mark. It was really cool. Thanks to Brendan for pushing me those 7 miles on Saturday so I could get the miles I needed.
Thank you all for doing this for Jer. I wish you all injury free and the dedication to keep going. We all have bad days and good days. When you're having bad ones, just remember what it feels like when you accomplish something major! That will help push you through the pain.
Monday, November 30, 2009
So, I was going to get up this morning and walk on the treadmill but my dear sweet and concerned wife talked me out of it. I am not wearing the brace anymore (it makes my ankle hurt more than with out it) and have been walking around with out any discomfort for the last few days. I suppose I will wait one more week and then start walking on it for a couple of weeks to ease back in and then short runs after tat for a couple of weeks. I'll be back at it soon:) YIPPEE!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
So while y'all are enjoying each others company, and we feeling very homesick, I decided it was time to go further than two miles today. When I woke up, it was raining, and not seeing rain here since probably April, I decided I'd wait until it quit. I believe Ridgecrest is the only place in the world it can rain with only 50% humidity.
I did it. I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes. That is awesome for me. I know that Min and Brendan ran from Annies to the folks, and so 3 miles sounds pitiful, but to me that is a huge hurdle. I didn't even stop to walk. YAY! I think the humidity helped me breath and keep going. That is probably why I felt so good in San Diego. hmmm..
We ordered a treadmill yesterday, so we are anxiously awaiting that. Keep going folks. Heal up, eat well, get plenty of fluids and rest. Love you all.
I did it. I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes. That is awesome for me. I know that Min and Brendan ran from Annies to the folks, and so 3 miles sounds pitiful, but to me that is a huge hurdle. I didn't even stop to walk. YAY! I think the humidity helped me breath and keep going. That is probably why I felt so good in San Diego. hmmm..
We ordered a treadmill yesterday, so we are anxiously awaiting that. Keep going folks. Heal up, eat well, get plenty of fluids and rest. Love you all.
Friday, November 27, 2009
San Diego
So running in San Diego is really nice. I was breathing just fine, didn't have a problem at all. I don't know if it was temp, altitude, humidity or combinations, but it felt much easier. I did only run on a treadmill, which is nice, I could see how far I'd gone, how fast I was etc. I ran the first mile both days at 8% incline, which isn't much but ...
Today I had runner gut before I even started. Too much pie. Melissa and the Kids met me halfway through so we could see if they had a turkey fry thermometer. I apparently threw mine away so no fried turkey yesterday :(
Today I had runner gut before I even started. Too much pie. Melissa and the Kids met me halfway through so we could see if they had a turkey fry thermometer. I apparently threw mine away so no fried turkey yesterday :(
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
for those who didn't know I haven't ran a 5 miler since my half in september. so i took bucky on a 5.3 mile run at the lake....I must brag because it will be the one and only time in my life....but i kicked his trash! by almost 5 minutes. it was a really nice day and the lake here is an awesome run with lots of hill...huh brendan:) sorry to hear about all the injuries from the training but injuries do heal and everyone who is a runner understands the injuried we've all had them. my trainer is helping remotivate me again.. was in the love hate relationship with running now i am startingto love it again(something about training for big races does that to you huh min!) hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving and give brendan a hard time about running!
You all really are old and broken! Holy crap! Sad to hear about Jonathan's ankle and Kimberli's knee and Chris's hangnail. Don't worry, big brother, your boo-boo will heal itself soon! Just kidding. I, too, got discouraged last week. My afternoon run turned into a walk. I was so mad at myself that I then kind of hurt my shoulder lifting! Oops. Take 'er easy there Buckster. Anyways, yesterday and today's runs more than made up for it. I ran 5 miles yesterday in just at 50 minutes, then today ran 4 miles in 37 minutes. So I'm getting back into form! Running is, as someone already said, probably about 80% mental. If any of you ever need some extra motivation, my number is 208-863-4845. Also, I will be going back to school at ISU in the spring. Mom and Dad have graciously agreed to let me live with them during the week while I'm at school, then I'll be coming back to Caldwell on the weekends. So any of y'all that want a running buddy, hit me up! I love running outside in the morning when it's so cold your nose hairs get crackly! It's awesome! Anyways, running mates, RUN ON! Remember our war cry too: PLETHORA!!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Stinks to get old
I'm fairly certain that all of us are feeling aches and pains since we are all getting up there in years (except you, Wade. You have nothing to complain about! :). It is quite interesting, but my left knee has been giving me fits the last few runs and my right ankle has also been bothering me, so at least I'm balanced, right? After my 4 mile run, I haven't been able to make it past 3 1/2 without walking because my knee is acting up. I'm not certain if it is the weather or something else, I suppose having no cartilage in that knee could have something to do with it. I have been taking it a little bit easy to keep from doing what Jonathan did. Someday I hope to accomplish a 5 mile continuous run, and that will be an awesome day for me. You guys are all an inspiration to me!! Keep on keeping on!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Major Goal Accomplished
So those of you who read my normal blog already know this but with my run on Friday I accomplished one of my yearly and probably a life goal as well. I have run 1000 miles this year!! I could hardly believe it. (btw a really good site for recording all your fitness activities is runningahead.com) Jer and I had discussed how it would be a possibility for me to accomplish that this year since I was training for my marathon, and what do you know, I did it! My run Friday was a 9 miler. That's the longest I've gone since Jer died. I was very proud of myself. Hopefully I'll get a 10 miler in before Christmas. I had to do it on the treadmill because I ended up going into Brinci's class when I usually do my long run so I did it after the boys went to quiet time. I had to stop and walk once, but I made it! I just really struggle running not in the morning.
All you who have bad runs, don't worry about it. It WILL start getting there. You have to start mentally preparing though. If you tell yourself you can't run any more, you won't be able too. I think you are all doing awesome. Thanks so much for the example you are to me! You keep me going everyday. Happy Running :)
All you who have bad runs, don't worry about it. It WILL start getting there. You have to start mentally preparing though. If you tell yourself you can't run any more, you won't be able too. I think you are all doing awesome. Thanks so much for the example you are to me! You keep me going everyday. Happy Running :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Too much cocoa
We sound like the biggest bunch of whiners. You know Jeremy is just point and laughing.
I've had to walk a little every run this week. What is the deal? I'm gonna blame today and friday on giving blood wednesday. Ya ... I almost called you this morning Min. You were probably awake too, I needed some motivation.
I'll be in San Diego for Monday and Wednesday runs next week. So in case I can't get on, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Apparently this is how pumpkin pie is made:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bright Side
So, I've decided that one good thing from wearing this big boot on my left leg is that my left thigh should be pretty buff by the time I take it off in 1 month. Too bad the rest of me will be all fat and flabby again:(
I feel your Pain
Jonathan you are no the only one with problems. I went and played football 2 weeks ago and bruised my heel severely. I thought it was looking up and feeling better, then some guys in my ward begged me to come play basketball. HAHA wow it wasn't better. Running is a dream, walking is a chore, crawling sounds even better. Checking into it a little more, I guess your supposed to let yourself heal completely before pounding it again. Who knew?
Dances with coyotes and meteors
Or are they meteorites? A coyote decided to come run with me for a bit this morning. Okay mostly he was running away from me. They don't come when you call. It was enjoyable to have a companion for a moment, however.
I've been blessed to see some meteors (ites?) while running this week. I love the night sky. Wish I had a telescope.
Seems like Wednesday is my bad day. Had to walk a couple times this mornng. That's annoying. Monday was a good run day. I don't seem to be improving. I pray it will come eventually. Maybe I should start taking Melissa's football with me ...
I've been blessed to see some meteors (ites?) while running this week. I love the night sky. Wish I had a telescope.
Seems like Wednesday is my bad day. Had to walk a couple times this mornng. That's annoying. Monday was a good run day. I don't seem to be improving. I pray it will come eventually. Maybe I should start taking Melissa's football with me ...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Team Openings?
The Kunz Family was wondering if there were any openings on your team. There are a few people that really want to run and we are not sure how many openings will be on our team. Let me know if there is a spot. Happy Running!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Stinks to be Jonathan?
It is really hard to live in the same house as someone so physically superior as Jonathan, believe me. Now that he is out for the count, maybe it will give us some time to catch up to him. Not really, but I hope that his ankle does heal. It's really hard for him to remember that he is 35 and not 17 again. I was able to run 4 miles on Saturday, and like Min, I don't run every day either. I take a day off in between and sometimes I just walk and do some weights. I honestly can't believe that I am running because I have never been able to run. EVER. Something or maybe someone is pushing me on. Keep up the good work, and don't every give up. Mind over matter...
Sweet Memories
That's all I'll have to look forward to the next month, is sweet memories. The XR was inconclusive so I had a radioactive bone scan and guess what, I broke my left fibula at the ankle. I'm out for the next month and stuck in this already annoying cam boot. I guess I'll have to start over in December because I'm sure all my gains will be gone by then. I am a little p***** about all this but thats life. Happy trails to you!!!
No Good
I love you too Chris. I tried to run this morning but it did not really work out. I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes but had to walk the last quarter mile because my other leg was cramping from compensating for my other leg. I came to work this morning and had my ankle xrayed but I don't see a fracture. I'm considering a bone scan because if there is a fracture then I need a special boot and if there isn't then I know I'm just being a pansy and need to buck up. Anyway's, I'll be off the ankle for a while longer and getting more and more frustrated. I might have to medicate myself.
What a bunch of bozos!
As the blog administrator, team captain, grumpiest old man on the team, etc. etc. etc. I jsut have to say that you guys are all nuts. My run this morning sucked. I ran a mile and a half and I was done for. Quit in frustration. By the way, if Jonathan keeps running on his broken ankle I'm going to hobble him until it heals.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
We woke this morning to a lot of snow so I didn't go outside to run and Kimberli had dibs on the treadmill so I thought I might run this afternoon. My run came sooner than I thought because on our way to the temple visitor center a Ford Excursion rolled on the freeway across the median in into our lane. After I stopped and backed up a bit, I ran to the accident for about 100 yards. THe guy was OK but my ankle sure throbs now so I will have to wait until Monday and try again. I think I may have to xray it. I'm worried I might have a stress fracture. We'll see how Monday goes.
So the pasts couple days haven't been runnnin. Too much homwork and studyin and such. But today I got up from my bed and had a new ambition to gets me some runnin in, even though its snowin and blown and colder than goin skinnydippin in the artic. Gots me 2 1/2 miles in with the only walkin there at that dang old steep old main hill, but I better get used to that if I'm a gonna be runner 12. Thanks Brother Buck for the good ol inspirational and wise advice, I'll hold it dearly!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Crazy People
I can't believe you people are running every day! That's insane. 4 days a week is plenty for me. Good job to everyone.
I wanted to run my long run today but it only ended up being 6 miles. I had to stop and walk twice!! GRRRRRRRR!! I don't know what's wrong with my body right now. Probably not enough sleep or food. I don't know why those little snickers and licorice don't keep me going :) Glad to hear you are all doing well. Buck, two a days, seriously? Are you trying to just rub it in our faces?! How many days are you going to do that and what's your predicted miles/wk? Just curious.
Have a wonderful Saturday and Happy Running!
I wanted to run my long run today but it only ended up being 6 miles. I had to stop and walk twice!! GRRRRRRRR!! I don't know what's wrong with my body right now. Probably not enough sleep or food. I don't know why those little snickers and licorice don't keep me going :) Glad to hear you are all doing well. Buck, two a days, seriously? Are you trying to just rub it in our faces?! How many days are you going to do that and what's your predicted miles/wk? Just curious.
Have a wonderful Saturday and Happy Running!
Running advice
Hey y'all crazies! I added my first post without perusing any other posts, so I thought I'd add this one, some advice for running. I know, I know, who wants to take running advice from some fat bald dude. Well, I did once run a mile in 5:30, so if you can beat that you can disregard. Also I used to routinely run 5 miles in under 35 minutes. So I know a little. First of all, the secret to running success is in a good pair of RUNNING shoes. Not cross-trainers, or basketball shoes, or even those nifty boat shoes that look so stylish with khakis and a polo shirt. And, sad to say, name brands are pretty much the best. New Balance, I've heard, are awesome. I'm a Nike guy. Try to go to a good sporting goods store, and talk to the salesman. They sometimes know just a little bit more than "Those look cool". Another thing you could do is go to your local university or a sports medicine place and ask them to help you pick out a good shoe. Some people have different arches and turns of foot. Me, I'm a Nike man. Been wearing Nikes so long I should get a sponsorship deal. I have two different pairs of running shoes, one for road runs and another for back-country running. Another piece of advice is going to be somewhat difficult for you Atkins' lovers. Eat carbs. They will give you the energy to go 5 miles instead of 2. Pasta is awesome! I used to try and eat pasta before a PT test so that I would have good lasting energy to burn. The last piece of advice is something the drill sergeants used to hound us about every minute of every day. DRINK WATER!!! Water is the best hydrating source, and will really help if you're cramping. It flushes out those nasty lactic acids that like to sit in your muscles. And, if you're running right, you're losing water anyway, so make sure you hydrate well. Alright enough for now! RUN ON!
What's up homies?
Okay, so apparently the invite got put in my junk email box, then was systematically deleted because Crusty had sent me an invite. Sounded like a cheap come on to me! Glad to be here finally, sounds like you all are doing an awesome job! I have been running once a day every day except Sunday. Next week I start with two-a-days, and I'm going to be kicking Nate in the behind to go running, and if he doesn't then I may just kick him in the other direction. Sometimes that's motivating to troops. I'm going about this in a drill sergeant sort of mode, see if maybe 4 weeks of good running will get him self-motivated. I don't know about me getting any sexier, I will be slimming down some, but I've also been hitting the weights so I don't look like such a scrawny loser, aka Mic. HAHA! Just kidding brother. I think you all are inspiring, and I'm thinking about submitting an article to a magazine about what we are doing. Anyways, Run On! You guys Rock!
What's my problem
Holy cow, I was fighting the urge to stop and walk the whole whopping two miles I went. Jonathan bugs me with his "light" four miles. 
That's me sticking my tongue at you.Anyway I did get through it without walking, but I musta been running slower, it took a little longer than I expected.
I keep trying to get Melissa to come with me, but once she's done rolling on the floor laughing so hard she has no energy to get up early with me the next morning. Oh well.
Start Saturday runs tomorrow. Wish me luck.
I keep trying to get Melissa to come with me, but once she's done rolling on the floor laughing so hard she has no energy to get up early with me the next morning. Oh well.
Start Saturday runs tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Still not running
My ankle is feeling better every day. I was actually jogging on it in my yard tonight while feeding my horse (it was cold outside). I am going to take tomorrow off and try running on Saturday. I will probably start out light with a 4 mile run and see how I do. I am excited to get back at it. I have been jealous reading all of your good times running. I am trying to talk Kimberli into going with me but she is resistant to the idea.
update yo
So I called Brendan to wish him a happy Veteran's Day, and he was unhappy about being excluded in the blog. However, when I went to invite him I noticed there was an invite that was pending. So ... you on yet brother?
Chris, I hate running too. I never will enjoy it. I am getting my six-pack back however. Any remnant of the beginning of a daddy tummy I had is now gone. I have realized that it is a good thing to run in the mornings, really early, because otherwise I could talk myself out of it.
Check your emails about a Jeremy bracelet.
Chris, I hate running too. I never will enjoy it. I am getting my six-pack back however. Any remnant of the beginning of a daddy tummy I had is now gone. I have realized that it is a good thing to run in the mornings, really early, because otherwise I could talk myself out of it.
Check your emails about a Jeremy bracelet.
Before Bed
So I had a really bad nights sleep on Tuesday so I didn't even attempt to wake up early to run Wednesday. I decided to do my run after the kids had gone to bed and then it wouldn't matter how long it took me! So I ran 6 miles last night on the treadmill before heading to bed. It went really well and I enjoyed my time watching a show while I ran. I'm hoping for a long run on Friday of 8-9 miles. We are going to a lego art exhibit with a bunch of friends so I may have to go shorter depending on my speed. Happy Running!
Running Sucks!!!!!!
OK, I hate running, always have and I am afraid I always will, maybe. I do like the effects running is having on my body. I am getting much sexier. It is pretty hard to fathom me any sexier than I already am, buat watch out, by next summer I will blow your socks off. Monday sucked for running. My legs cramped up and I could barely run 1.5 miles before I quit in frustration. Wednesday was much better, I ran 3 miles without a rest. That is the longes I have ever run in my entire life. Thanks for the info about the relay Min. Bruce has yet to email me. Keep up the good work everybody. By the way I need a status on Nate. He never emailed me back. Is he still up for this?
Bleeded out
So yesterday I went and donated blood, thought it would be a not so good idea to go run afterwords so i didn't run yesterday but will be back in the saddle today!! Sounds like everyone is doing well with their running, or they are trying to recover from their running, so keep on goin!! I know that when I run I can feel Jer there with me rootin me on!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Still here and still running
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Yes, Jess, I am running with you and you can stop laughing any minute about it! :) Min, I think that is totally awesome that they are letting us be teams 1 and 2! We will be able to cheer each other on. I love it. My running is coming along. I have been able to pull 3 miles for the last three days, so in the morning I'm going for 3.5. I just about peed myself yesterday when I was running because I was sprinting my last 1/4 mile and apparently my bladder can't handle the stress! Pretty embarassing. Darn those 4 boys who sat on my bladder for 9 months each. Ok, sorry Wade, probably grossed you out there. Carry on teammates!
Nurse Practitioner, Heal Thyself
So my ankle continues to feel better but it is agonizingly slow. Since I couldn't run today I made my horses do it for me. I took the mare (Santana) out for her first long ride since having the colt and she was pretty rusty. We had to establish who was in charge and I ran her into a lather but it was good in the end. Zeek was very well behaved and full of energy so that was fun. Other than that I still wake up at 5:30 in the morning ready to run and can't. I may have to try some walking tomorrow. We'll see how I feel.
okay so I ran 4 miles in 38 minutes yesterday and felt good. i forget how much stress is relieved by running and it clears your head! sorry jon about the ankle...you kow already rest because running and causing more injury sucks! so I am running hills today at the lake its beautiful over here and the lake is gorgeous in the fall:) its about 5.3 miles
Soo, this is good right?
I feel pretty amazed at myself right now, yesterday I did 2 miles with no walkin breaks! It took me a little over 20 min. and had a little hill there at about a mile, but I felt pretty good there afterwards except that I couldn't suck enough air in, but that'll get better as I keep goin.
Good News
Bruce Matheson from Ragnar just emailed me today and told me that Wannabes are going to be team number 1 and Don't Really Wannabe are team 2. Apparently the teams that were those numbers had no problem giving them up to us! Isn't that awesome? So I will have a big fat 1 on my bib. I thought that was pretty cool! Happy Running!!
P.S. We need to get Brendan on here. I just saw on his facebook that he ran for an hour straight today! Way to go B.O.!!!
P.S. We need to get Brendan on here. I just saw on his facebook that he ran for an hour straight today! Way to go B.O.!!!
Afternoons SUCK!
So I usually run in the morning but yesterday I felt like I could sleep in so I changed my alarm at about 3:00. I then had to run in the afternoon after Gage had fallen asleep. I don't know how Jer could run then!! I never have been able to have a good run in the afternoon. I don't know if I don't fuel right or what but they all end up with me walking some of it. I need to just learn to wake up and run. Life is so much better that way! I made it 5 miles though and felt better about eating the double fudge brownie I had for FHE treat that night!
Monday, November 9, 2009
okay so i have been slacking had influenza and then bronchitis so i have only ran 7 days on the past two weeks. i am heading out on a run 4 miles hopefully i can breathe without coughing up my lungs! hey kimberli are you running now too? meeting with my bishop on thursday...wants to talk about my relationship...if i want to marry corey or not!!!!!ARGH why does everything have to be so complicated. min what about the mattress so you still need one? keep it up guys we are a force not to be reckoned with:)
Couldn't Run
So I did not run today because of my stupid left ankle. It feels much better since I started doing ice water soaks twice a day, but it hurt too bad to run on it this morning. I still woke upi early and wished I could go. It makes me so frustrated!! This thing better heal quick. Hope you guys are all enjoying yourselves. We should plan a family run over thanksgiving when most everyone will be here. What do you think?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
We're Home!!
Just got back from a great trip to see Min and the kids. Then we went to my nephews baptism this morning. Like Min said, she and I went on an 8 mile run this morning. I don't know what I did but my left ankle is killing me. I felt like I was having a good run and then it just kept hurting more and more. I was able to limp home, but now I can barely walk on it. I'm going to have to soak it in a bucket of ice water and hope I can run on Monday. I don't want to back track now.
Super Fun Run
Started the run today at 6:00. Jonathan and I decided to do 8 miles this morning. It was a lot of fun having somone to run with. Haven't done that for a LOT of years!! Thanks Jonathan for going slow enough for me! It was a pretty good run. I had bad runners gut the last half and barely made it home in time :) Those runs are the worst!! Hope everyone had good Saturday runs. Keep Smiling!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Need to get treadmill
I keep stopping and looking at all the fun cars with for sale signs in them. If I had a treadmill I wouldn't even see them.
I saw a really nice 91 dodge cummins. Get this, a 1 ton with a short box!! Yeah I didn't know they did that. It had a really ugly hood scoop. :(
Ran the normal distance, I'm getting consistant times. I suppose that's good for now. I'm trying to follow Ragnar's beginner training. 2 weeks down. I think 1 more week and I'll start Saturday runs.
Thought I'd share a picture:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hey Buck, Where Are You?
Just wondering where our dear brother has gone. It's nice to see you back in the land of the living, Wade. We were starting to wonder about you, too! Still running and trying to go faster. Jonathan's slow is my fast. Oh well! We're going to see Min tonight and have some fun!
whoo wee
So the last couple of weeks I've had a head cold, but this week I felt a lot better so I've started running again. Farthest I've been is 2 miles, but I think that's pretty good for not doing any running at all since the end of wrestling sophomore year. All you guys are setting the bar high for me which is something that I need.
Call me crazy but I think I want to be runner 12
Call me crazy but I think I want to be runner 12
Holy Cow!!
I decided to run on the treadmill and run at an incline. I set it at 3 degrees and started out at my usual pace but I got my butt kicked! I had to slow down to 6.5 mph for a while. No wonder water runs down hill. Its too much work to go up:) I'm glad I don't have any very hard uphills in the race. Not like Mic.
What to do
So I'm hungry all the time. I feel like a teenager. I'm not even running that far yet. What happens when I start going 8-10 miles a day?? Oh boy.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
For your reading pleasure
I was just looking over to course map for wasatch back. runners 5, 6, 9, and 10 have some pretty intense runs! Wow! some of the elevations changes are tremendous! looks like it will be fun. If you haven't looked at them yet, then go here
and check them out!
and check them out!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hey I'm Here TOO!!
Hey guys, I just want to start out by telling you how impressed and honored I am that you are doing this. I know that Jeremy would be soooooo happy to see you all coming together and talking about running! What fun. My training is going pretty good. I'm trying to maintain 20-25 miles a week and so far I'm doing it. I had to run 9 miles on Sat. to accomplish 20 but I did it!! You guys are awesome. Keep it up!
Monday, November 2, 2009
I can see!!!!
It was fun to run this morning and have a faint light to see by. I am used to having to run with my head down and looking just ahead of my feet to avoid obstacles. Today I could run with my head due to the change back to real time. I had a 3 mile run about 23 minutes today. It felt real good. Kimberli asked how far she should run today and I told her 1.5 miles and she was offended that I mad it too easy, so she ran 2 miles and walked one. It is fun to cheer each other on each day.
Legs are not as tired
My legs are not as tired. I must be getting used to this running thing. I ran/walked 4+ miles on Saturday and another 3.5 today. My goal is to run 5 miles without stopping by Thanksgiving.
What a difference
Hey no pain!! I determined it was time for me to get new everyday shoes as my ankle was hurting worse with them on than off. So off to the shoe store I went and started trying on shoes. After talking to the guy, I determined also that my running shoes were too wide. So I started looking for alternatives. I found these adidas that felt good and so I got them and a pair for everyday wear. I ran in my new shoes and wonderful. YAY!!
Anyway I need a pair of shoes to stay at work so when I take my motorcycle I don't have to wear my boots all day. So I'll use my old pair of running shoes for that.
2 miles, stopped for like 20 seconds to look at a for sale sign. Bad habit. I need to get a watch so I can see how long these are taking me.
I want to volunteer for leg 9.
Anyway I need a pair of shoes to stay at work so when I take my motorcycle I don't have to wear my boots all day. So I'll use my old pair of running shoes for that.
2 miles, stopped for like 20 seconds to look at a for sale sign. Bad habit. I need to get a watch so I can see how long these are taking me.
I want to volunteer for leg 9.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Planning for the future
I was looking at the legs of the wasatch back and pondering on the different levels of difficulty. I came up with this to quantify their difficulty levels. They are ranked easy, moderate, hard and very hard. I gave each level a value of 1-4, respectively, to quantify them and this is the result.
1: 1,4,1=6
2: 3,1,1=5
3: 2,2,3=7
4: 2,1,1=4
5: 4,2,1=7
6: 4,4,1=9
7: 1,2,1=4
8: 1,2,2=5
9: 1,4,4=9
10: 1,3,4=8
11: 4,3,4=11
12: 4,3,1=8
I would like to volunteer to run leg 11. This may seem premature to some of you but I want a clear idea of what i will be training for and I'm finding I like the idea of the challenge. anyways, this will just give you an picture of what to expect. Look at the wasatch back page for detailed descriptions of each leg.
1: 1,4,1=6
2: 3,1,1=5
3: 2,2,3=7
4: 2,1,1=4
5: 4,2,1=7
6: 4,4,1=9
7: 1,2,1=4
8: 1,2,2=5
9: 1,4,4=9
10: 1,3,4=8
11: 4,3,4=11
12: 4,3,1=8
I would like to volunteer to run leg 11. This may seem premature to some of you but I want a clear idea of what i will be training for and I'm finding I like the idea of the challenge. anyways, this will just give you an picture of what to expect. Look at the wasatch back page for detailed descriptions of each leg.
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