Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still here and still running

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Yes, Jess, I am running with you and you can stop laughing any minute about it! :) Min, I think that is totally awesome that they are letting us be teams 1 and 2! We will be able to cheer each other on. I love it. My running is coming along. I have been able to pull 3 miles for the last three days, so in the morning I'm going for 3.5. I just about peed myself yesterday when I was running because I was sprinting my last 1/4 mile and apparently my bladder can't handle the stress! Pretty embarassing. Darn those 4 boys who sat on my bladder for 9 months each. Ok, sorry Wade, probably grossed you out there. Carry on teammates!


Wader said...

hey, I am beyond being grossed out and embarrassed by my family!

VitaMin said...

Sorry to burst your bubble but the number of your team has no real implications besides the number on the bib! We will only be running with each other if our start times are similar. I kinda hope we can see you at some point, but not really holding my breath!