Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunny but windy, of course

This has been a full day. I started at 6:30 with feeding the animals and then tried to burn over growth in the pasture but had to wait until after breakfast to finish when the dew was off. Then lots of yard work and lawn mowing and things. Finally i decided to go for my run this evening. I was putting it off in the hopes the wind would die down but it didn't. So I did my 7 miles in 62 minutes but I really had to work going into the wind. I'm calling that mile hill training since I have to lean into it and push harder. I also did a 3 mile run earlier in the day but my horse did most of the work:)


VitaMin said...

Wow, sounds like you are doing sooooo good! That is so exciting. It's great that you can get that good of a run in after all that work! Way to be.

VitaMin said...

Wow, sounds like you are doing sooooo good! That is so exciting. It's great that you can get that good of a run in after all that work! Way to be.