Sunday, November 22, 2009

Major Goal Accomplished

So those of you who read my normal blog already know this but with my run on Friday I accomplished one of my yearly and probably a life goal as well. I have run 1000 miles this year!! I could hardly believe it. (btw a really good site for recording all your fitness activities is Jer and I had discussed how it would be a possibility for me to accomplish that this year since I was training for my marathon, and what do you know, I did it! My run Friday was a 9 miler. That's the longest I've gone since Jer died. I was very proud of myself. Hopefully I'll get a 10 miler in before Christmas. I had to do it on the treadmill because I ended up going into Brinci's class when I usually do my long run so I did it after the boys went to quiet time. I had to stop and walk once, but I made it! I just really struggle running not in the morning.

All you who have bad runs, don't worry about it. It WILL start getting there. You have to start mentally preparing though. If you tell yourself you can't run any more, you won't be able too. I think you are all doing awesome. Thanks so much for the example you are to me! You keep me going everyday. Happy Running :)


Jonathan said...

Way to go Min!!!! That is amazing!!! The pioneers have got nothing on you. In fact, if they could see you now they would probably be like...."WOW, but why doesn't she just get a horse or something?" Just kidding. Strong work!!!!!!!!! Keep it up.

Kimberli said...

Min, that is totally awesome. I can't say that I will ever make that goal. That is truly amazing! Thanks for all you do to buoy us up and keep us in the zone. It is nice to know that even you have to stop and walk once in a while. Love you!

Jess and the KIDS!!!! said...

good job min...its hard getting those runs in on the treadmill my long runs HAVE to be outside and with the kids and school mornings are never an option for me which sucks. good luck getting that ten miler in before christmas my goal is before new years....maybe a 10k on new years eve might count:)