Monday, November 16, 2009

Sweet Memories

That's all I'll have to look forward to the next month, is sweet memories. The XR was inconclusive so I had a radioactive bone scan and guess what, I broke my left fibula at the ankle. I'm out for the next month and stuck in this already annoying cam boot. I guess I'll have to start over in December because I'm sure all my gains will be gone by then. I am a little p***** about all this but thats life. Happy trails to you!!!

1 comment:

VitaMin said...

That really STINKS!! I know Jer did not enjoy his boot. In fact, I don't think he wore it as much as he should have. I wouldn't worry to much if I were you about losing things, you did it so fast the first time you'll be running 10 miles by March! Good luck and heal fast.