Wednesday, December 2, 2009

another new record!

So, today I set a new record. It's not one I'm fond of or particularly proud of, but I did it! I ran 2 miles and puked 4 times! Upper respiratory blockage is a wondrous thing! But I'm still running. I've put the two-a-days on hiatus. Min talked about building a base, and I still haven't done that. I thought I could be Superman, or maybe a mixture between Wolverine and The Hulk, but I am not. I'm just Brendan. So I'm going to start over and try to build a good solid base before I go all crazy! Good luck y'all. You inspire me every day. RUN ON!

p.s. Mic, I walked a bit on the run from Kimberli and Jonathan's to Mom and Dads. I ain't gonna lie. It hurt.

p.p.s. The music was not offensive. Just lame. LAME! Not inspiring. HAHAHAHA!

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