Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time To Brag (again)

So I accomplished another one of my goals today. I wanted to do a 10 miler before Christmas and I got it done today!!! YAY MIN!!! I ended up doing in on the treadmill which was kind of a bummer but it was alright. I think I broke my little DVD player though, uh oh. I guess Jer knew what he was talking about, he usually did. Anyway, the weather was beautiful and I had a babysitter lined up. Gage hadn't napped for 2 days so I decided Gage needed a nap. I just ran while he slept. I feel really tired but I had no knee pains so I guess my few days of rest was good for me! We are going to go swimming tonight so maybe I'll sneak into the hot tub, we'll see. Haven't seen much chatter on here this week, hope everyone is doing well. Happy Running!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Way to go Min!!! Looking forward to seeing you and your children this weekend!!!!