Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I haven't been able to keep up my running like I've hoped. Between the crappy air quality here and it getting dark so early my only options have been a treadmill and I can't go distance on treadmills. I have done a couple of short runs on the treadmill but tonight was my first long run in a while. I went 4 miles and part of it was a pretty big hill. My mile of hill running was at a pace of 12 min miles then the rest of my run after that I made up for the time by averaging a 9.6 min mile pace in spite of the icy road conditions. It feels good to be running again I just hope the air quality stays somewhat good so I can keep it up.

1 comment:

VitaMin said...

Learn to LOVE the treadmill!! That is the only way I get to run these days. I'm glad you were able to get out. That is fabulous. Hope the air stays clean, maybe this storm will help?!