Saturday, February 27, 2010

Was Feeling Pretty Good

So I got on here thinking I could really brag about what I've been doing until I read all of your posts! You guys are way kicking my behind. Way to go!! I am so excited to see all of you doing so well. And those of you not posting, I'm sure you're doing well too! I wish I could be faster, but maybe I just need to realize that I will never be. Oh well. I did get 23 miles in this week and hopefully will walk a little tonight to get closer to my Trek Across Utah goals. Keep up the good work and the race in June will be a breeze! Happy Running!

1 comment:

Kimberli said...

Min, you are awesome, and an inspiration to us all. You may not be fast (I believe that is the Cox curse in us) but you are always so positive and never give up. That is what matters!