Saturday, December 19, 2009

Back at it!

Hello all! Thanks for letting us join your team, we really appreciate it. So this is where I'm at as of now: besides today, I've only ran twice since the Vegas relay, once to finish my leg for the relay and a 10k on Nov. 7. I ran today and hope I can keep motivated to train strong from here on out. It was super cold this morning but I managed to run 5.3 miles in 46 minutes. I've gotten a little out of shape but there is plenty of time to improve. Might be a little early to talk leg assignments, but I would love to run one of the more challenging ones, thanks. Well as one of my playlists artists puts it: Strength is something you choose. Stay strong!


VitaMin said...

Yay Chris! I'm glad to see you out running. I am impressed with a 5 mile run. I couldn't do that. Good luck on your training and I'll keep getting after you!

Jonathan said...

Welcome aboard Chris. It is good to have you on the team. I'm excited for the relay!! and to get to know you and your wife better.