Thursday, October 28, 2010


Who is up for So-Cal Ragnar in April? I'm getting mixed reviews. I'm attempting to compile a list of those who want to do it. Let me know via email or comment.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Start your Half Marathon Training!

Hey Guys, I've mentioned this to a few of you but I will post it here as well. Sounds like there are plenty of half marathon opportunities for you! I have another one. The Kunz family is putting on their own half marathon to celebrate the life of Jer. It's going to be in Star Valley on July 9, 2011. We're hoping that it's a big enough success this year that we will be able to do it for a few years. So you should all be trained up for Wasatch Back and can easily handle the distance. We would love to see you all there!! Visit the website and become a friend on facebook.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

so I am so stoked for vegas. after a knee injury that had me slow down for a week I am finally feeling good. Running in a few eeks in poky, half again. btw. I have a close friend who I was helping train for a half in nov. she suffered a brain aneurysm a couple of weeks ago. She is ALIVE which is a miracle. It happened at church. She lives across the street from me, was a second mom to my kiddos. Anyways a bunch of us are running the ZIEGIEST in boise in nov inher honor. Her dream is to finish the last mile with us as a TEAM LINDSAY. I am opening this up to youall since we are all sensitive to tragedies with runners. Her husband is goingto run it now(he's a big guy). so if you are interested let me know. She's designing the shirts for the race. See you all hopefully next week for wades farewell. BTW wasatch is still a high of my summer!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

2011 Team

I just got an email from Bruce Matheson (the guy that hung our medals on us). We are really and truly registered for next year and he thinks they covered our fee again. Wow! that is awesome. I hope you are all still stoked for next year. I know I am. It will be nice to not be newbies this time. Oh yeah, I don't think the van will survive another trip, so if anyone comes across a cool Suburban, buy it so we can use it next year.  BTW, Chris and Channny are still with us? I hope so. I truly enjoyed having you in the same car. Good training everyone, Captain (still) Crusty.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Interval training

Has anyone seen a good interval training program online? I think that will be the trick for me to get faster but I am looking for something well defined and geared for a marathon.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Runner Number

I figured that I would post in the main part instead of the comments. I want to be runner #1. Unless I have to fight someone. Then they can have it. Brian was looking at something in Van 1, and we would like to be in the same chase vehicle.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Runner Numbers

Happy Independence Day everyone. Melissa and I finally got a flag. How patriotic are we, almost 8 years of marriage and we just now get a flag.

So we should probably be thinking of what runner we want to be. There is a pdf that can be downloaded of the legs from the ragnar site.

I want to be runner 7.

Also, what is the plan on van 2? Are we gonna try dads van again?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

real distances

So I plugged the GPS coordinates into google maps on my second leg and it says it was 10.3 miles, not 9.6.

It still felt like 12.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lets go again

I am still flying high from last weekend! I had such a blast! I would have to rate that in the top 10 of my personal experiences. My only regret about the weekend was not getting to spend very much time with van TOUGH (i think that's how they spell 2 in some foreign countries?). I think I may be addicted and will soon be going through withdrawal. I can't wait for Vegas, but after looking at the routes and legs I can already tell that I prefer Wasatch! We have to plan on partying at the finish line next year. It would have been nice to sit down and compare notes and experiences. I definitely want to run van 2 next year. Hopefully my wife will run with me.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Congratulations to everyone for such an amazing and trying experience. I know that Jeremy was watching over us and probably laughing at times. I thank all of you for your inspiring stories of training and triumphs along with the hardships that we all faced. It is hard to think that it has actually come and gone already, although I am sure that I will know for sure that it is over tomorrow when I try to get out of bed...hahaha. Thanks again for all the memories created and for the closeness we share as a family. I love you all and look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to the reunion. Hopefully we can keep our parents from killing each other.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Every time I think about the race I get a little adrenalin rush. I love that feeling! I hope I don't runout of adrenalin before my last leg:) I will probably need it. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Monday, June 14, 2010


I need everyone to take lots and lots of pictures. I want to put a slide show together for the beloved George Family Reunion. I will have my camera taking pictures, but I don't want to take pictures while I am running. I would really appreciate it. See you all in 3 days...............3 days..... WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well I don't know bout yall, but I'm getting excited for this thing!! Can't wait to see all of you there and be able to share in on one more big hoorah before I leave in September. Run on comrades, RUN ON!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Braggin on My Sis

Hey, since I don't know if Kimberli will blog about our run, I will!! She was visiting me on Saturday and she said she needed to get a run in. I figured she would only want to go 3 or 4 miles so I told her I would run with her. Jonathan decided to do an 8 miler and he took off. Kimberli and I were discussing how far she was going to go and she said "Well, maybe I should just go 8 miles too!" So off we went. I was sure that we were going to head back early because of her hamstring, but nooooo she decided to do the WHOLE 8 MILES!!!! I was so impressed and in awe! Thanks sis for the tremendous run. I wish you could come with me for all my Ragnar runs!! Can't wait to see you all in Logan soon! Have a great last week before you start tapering. Happy Running!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I hope everyone will be okay to not run with headphones. I have read quite a few facebook posts saying that teams are pulling out because of the rule change. I don't run with music anyway, so it doesn't affect me.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Evening run

I recently finished my Saturday run. I woke at 5:00 am to the sound of rain fall. It was coming down hard. I didn't feel like running in the rain so I waited until I got off work at 6:30. Then there was dinner and baths and scriptures and then I left for my run at 7:45ish. I had planned on doing 12 miles but decided that I should shorten it due to the late start but when I reached the 4 mile mark I felt so good I didn't turn around. I'm not sure how far I went but after I had to back track to return a tag along dog i estimate it was close to 13 miles. I got home at 9:30 ish and after stretching out and a long hot shower I'm actually feeling pretty good. We need to figure out how to take a hot tub on the race with us:)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What the heck!!

We're less than a month away from the race! That's hard to believe. It has been out there for so long that all the sudden it is here. Should we be talking about legs and consider if anyone feels like they need to change? I'm not concerned about time or where we place but I don't want anyone injuring themselves running a more difficult leg when some one who is not as injured could trade legs. Just a thought. I know I am feeling a lot better than even 2 weeks ago and that could change any time in the next 3 weeks. I just thought I would toss that out there.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Me too

Our stake organized a 10k for this morning. It wasn't snowing at the time (it is now!) but it was cold enough to snow! There were only 5 of us running the 10k so it was a short list of competition. I ran it in 44:55 but pretty much had to run by myself. One of the Blackfoot HS track teams distance runners started with me but he pooped out at about 2 miles. I ran the rest of the time with Austin rollerblading ahead of me. I swear at about 2 miles from the finish line I could smell the sausage cooking for breakfast that they served afterwards!

10K in the desert

So there was a 10K today. It was a trail run and kinda difficult. I smashed all my records so far however. I ran it in 39:40. Wow, I'm amazed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10k Fun Run

Our Stake is doing a Spring Rally at Jensen's Grove this coming Saturday (May 22). They are having a 10k fun run/walk/bike ride starting at 8 a.m. and then breakfast is at 9 a.m. If any of you locals are interested, I'm sure we would love to have some company! Besides you get breakfast out of the deal!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Running Eval

Today Chris and I had our running form evaluated by the Sports Medicine and Acceleration department of Physical Therapy. They work a lot with USU's teams. They tested our leg strength in various muscles and had us run barefoot and with shoes on while they filmed both from the back and the side. It was so crazy to run barefoot. They watched our running frame by frame and analyzed what we needed to do to improve and prevent injury. I need to work on strengthening my hips because they are too weak and flexible (go figure, child bearing does relax your hip muscles). My posture was good and my core strength was great to keep my upper body steady. I need to increase my cadence (steps per minute). I'm at about 162 with longer strides and they want you to be taking shorter, quicker strides so it's about 175-180. They had a metrinome at 180/min and made me run to that and try to get the feel of it. So on my run home today I tried it and it made me so tired. It felt like it took too much energy to take quicker, shorter steps. It slowed me down about a half a minute a mile compared to the same run last week. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it though. It was good to see how I could improve my running though. Also I did a long run of 8 miles on Saturday in Star Valley and did it in 71 minutes (8:54 min/mile)! I was just happy to be under 9 min miles for that distance. Happy training!

gearing up

So, I got all the vests and leg strap lights, and got the strap lights modified. They came with red LEDs and I pulled them out and put in yellow ones so it would be more noticable. I would like to put another strip of reflective tape on the vests, so I'll be looking for that. Otherwise, as far as this equipment we should be good to go. Provided I don't leave them here! :(

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Coming along

This week proved to be pretty good for my running. I was able to do 4 miles + hills on Monday (on treadmill) rested on Tuesday, Wednesday I did 4.5 on treadmill and Thursday I was able to get outside and got another 3.5. Friday I was sick, sick, sick, so running was not an option. Saturday, after I had a good breakfast I conquered the beast that was 6.5 miles, although I did have to stop and walk frequently. I was severely dehydrated the rest of the day while I was planting the garden, but I never did get real sore or stiffen up from running so far outside. Perhaps my body is adjusting to the asphalt a little better. I'm hoping this week will be just as good for me and that I will be able to find the time to get my runs in outside. Perhaps evening runs will have to happen. You all are doing great and don't forget to email me about the shirts!

Stroller Running

So, instead of fighting the battle with 3 kids at Stake Conference, we decided to do something together as a family that would promote love and peace instead of intent to kill and hatred. We went for a run. Kim pushed Colton in his stroller and I pushed the girls in a jogger stroller that has a severe pull to the left. WOW!!!! If you need to add a little bit more resistance to your run, come get them and try it. Normally I go around 5 miles with little problem. I felt like I had a 50 pound monkey hanging on my back. Not to mention, I was trying to keep the stroller on the footpath of the green belt. My upper body got more of a workout than anything else. It was a good run and we enjoyed being together. That is what is important, right. Keep running!!!! See ya all in a couple weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two Week Report

So last week I ran 5 times. I didn't finish my run on wed. so I finished it on Thurs. morning. My long run ended up being my monday run of 7 miles. I also got in a club I haven't been in before on Friday. I used to be kinda jealous when Jer would come home with bloody socks cuz it seemed so dedicated. Well Friday I ended up coming home with bloodly socks!! Yay for me. Nothing serious, just needed to trim my toenails. Kinda embarassing I know. I then finished the week off with a 4 mile run on Saturday.

This week was insane. I wasn't able to run on Monday like I normally do and I was soooo exhausted still on Tuesday that I didn't run. Wed. I started my run but didn't get the 8 miles in like I wanted so I had to finish it on Thursday. I ran again on Friday. and just got done with my long run of 9 miles. So that ended up being 4 days straight of running and 24 miles total. And I get to start it all over again in a few days!! Happy Running!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Back at it and lovin it

I quit running for two weeks to get myself healed. Somehow my pelvis got out of line and my right leg hurt like crazy, especially when I ran. I am finally back at it this week. My monday run sucked hard. I was out of breath by about the fifth step, but today my morning run was awesome. It's amazing how quickly you can get back on track. One month to go, people. Are we ready?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good week

I'm a little trepidatious to share my week because it was such a good week for me (I don't want to jinx it). I did not run Monday because we got back so late. Tuesday and Wednesday I ran 6 miles on the treadmill because I didn't feel like running in the snow. Friday I did 3 miles on a 3% incline. Then today I ran 10 miles in less than 90 minutes but I'm not certain how much less because I had to make an emergency stop at a bathroom on the greenbelt and forgot to stop my watch. Thank goodness someone had the foresight to put that bathroom there!! Anyways, when I got done I had been running for 90 minutes and I suspect I need to shave 4-5 minutes off for my potty break. In any case when I got home I felt good enough to keep going but I couldn't because there are other things to do besides run.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pocatello 5/10 K run

Kim and I are running in a 5/10 K run in Pocatello the first week of June. If any locals want to join us, hit me up and I will get you the information.

Monday, May 3, 2010

We're back

So we're back from warmer climbs! Had a great time on our cruise. I only ran 4 days I believe. Couldn't drag myself out on Saturday to run the treadmill. They had a joggong track that was so crowded with people walking that using one of their multiple treadmills was a better option. Sea level running is great! My lungs never got tired but I sure was a lot sweatier than at home. I didn't gain too much weight so I should be able to get back into the swing of things quickly.
Well after moving into our house we didn't have internet for a whole 31 days and I feel like I'm so disconnected from the world. But we're back online now. It sounds like everyone is doing awesome with their training! I've been gradually increasing my weekly running and my individual days distances. In April I ended up running 75.6 miles in 11 hours and 27 minutes. I've been able to keep my pace around 9 minute miles which is a huge improvement for me. I also have done a few 3 mile runs once during the week just for an easy day and my average pace for those 3 miles runs is usually around 8.5 min miles. I'm stoked. Saturday I ran 7.3 miles in 1 hour 7 minutes. I was a little unhappy that it was hailing marble size hail balls on me but it turned out ok. I still have yet to run over 8 miles at a time but I will work on that since my second leg is 8.3 miles. I'm getting so excited for the race!

Monday, April 26, 2010


So I thought I might as well brag some more. Saturday was the last 5K for my cross country team, and it was the only one I ran. I figured if I ran it in less than 24 minutes that I'd be happy. Ran it in 22:54! Pretty excited about that, and getting more excited for the relay every day!! Keep running guys, your all doing great!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

clean smell

So if you're like me, your running clothes still smell bad even after washing. Yuck. I was reading a while back about this new detergent that is specifically for athletic wear and how it gets the nasty sweat smell out. Later I saw an advertisement for Tide sport. Same kinda deal. I've been looking for it since. Well I finally got some and I've got to say Wow! It works. It works well.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Inyokern 10 miler

So Melissa and I participated in the 10 miler. Walkers began at 6am and runners at 7am. Melissa decided to walk. We figured I'd catch up to her about mile 7, but she did better than we thought. She walked it in 2 hours 19 minutes. I caught up with her at about mile 9 and finished right on my goal of 75 minutes. Yay! Unfortunately I could have done better, the legs are willing but the lungs are weak. Ya I had to walk a few times so my lungs could catch up. After the finish line a couple glasses of cold chocolate milk, a snickers and some powerade. Now we'll both be sore tomorrow. Since it's stake conference can we call in sick??

Good morning!

So I had this grandiose idea to run my legs yesterday and this morning but then common sense caught up with me last night and I decided to stick to my training schedule. So I got up this morning and ran 8 miles in 69 minutes and 10 seconds. It was a beautiful morning for a run since all the snow melted off from the night before. Anyways, I better get breakfast and prepare to leave, you know, for our cruise and all. We'll post when we get home on the 2nd or the next morning.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ragnar Practice

So I really like to practice things before I have to run them. I got an idea in my head a couple of days ago that I would try to simulate the race and run the miles I need to run about the same time apart as I would in the Ragnar. I couldn't quite make it happen when I wanted but this week I think I came pretty close with at least the total milage. I went to be Monday night deciding that I would wake up early in the morning Tuesday and run since I didn't get my run in that day. I set my alarm for 4:00 hoping that I would be able to get more than 10 miles in. I started runnign and felt really strong. Watched Italian Job and was feeling great. My treadmill turned off after 100 minutes and I turned it back on and kept running. At this point I thought "Hey, I might as well run a half marathon, just to see if I can!" so I did. I did it in about 2:06 which is pretty impressive for me. Then on Wednesday afternoon I ran 5 miles and this morning I fiished up my toatal ragnar miles by running 3. I figure yesterday and today's run will count as my two a day since they were fairly close together. So now I know that I can at least run 21 miles in a little over 48 hours on the treadmill, I should be able to do it when I'm running outside in race conditions. Happy Running!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outside hurts

I have been doing really awesome on the treadmill over the last month since our meeting. I have worked out all the pain and feel my legs and body getting stronger! I actually hit 5.5 miles last week. Of course, you that are doing 10 miles probably think that is cake, but for me that is huge. Anyway, now that the weather is actually bearable, I have taken to the streets and am back at square one. Why must it hurt so much? I suppose I will just have to get used to it, but I'm hoping that it won't take too long. I think my pace is faster when I run outside, too because I run out of breath quite often. Maybe a week in the Caribbean will help!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunny but windy, of course

This has been a full day. I started at 6:30 with feeding the animals and then tried to burn over growth in the pasture but had to wait until after breakfast to finish when the dew was off. Then lots of yard work and lawn mowing and things. Finally i decided to go for my run this evening. I was putting it off in the hopes the wind would die down but it didn't. So I did my 7 miles in 62 minutes but I really had to work going into the wind. I'm calling that mile hill training since I have to lean into it and push harder. I also did a 3 mile run earlier in the day but my horse did most of the work:)


So since I missed another 5k this weekend I decided that I had better do a long run while I was home. So I decided to run to Garrett's house, aka my roommate Austin's house. I google maped my route and it said 10.4 miles. I did all 10.4 in about 1 hr 45 min, I figure the 10 mile mark was around 1 hr 30 min. So I'm pretty pleased with it!!! Keep running guys!! You are my inspiration!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Keep your toenails trimmed FYI. Why you ask? Well, apparently they will cut into your adjacent toe and you'll bleed all over inside your shoe without you knowing.

Also, no seam athletic socks are awesome. I was wearing cheap 6 pair for 4 dollar socks and the seam gave me a pretty bad blister. Ouch. I got some nice socks and no problems any more.

We got Melissa some shoes yesterday. She's going to walk the 1o miler next weekend. We figure I'll pass her about 7 or 8 miles. The walkers start an hour before the runners. I check on getting me another pair of these adidas that I like so much, and apparently adidas changes their shoes so often that there are no more of these kind. grrr. I ordered some brooks, we'll see what they are like.

Wednesday is my speed day. After 4 miles I averaged a 7:17 minute mile. I wasn't sure if my head, heart or lungs were going to explode first.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Extreme Morning Run!!!

I ran 6 miles at 3 a.m. this morning. Why do you ask? Because I had to leave at 4 a.m. to drive to school in Pocatello! Why do you have to ask such sill questions? It was so nice, really dark, a little windy, then it started to rain on my head. Brrr. But I loved it. I guess it's good training too, since I'm going to be running 7 miles at 1 a.m. during the relay! I'm starting to feel much better, guess my body is getting used to all this crazy running stuff again! Keep on keeping on, y'all! RUN ON!!!
I ran outside Saturday despite the wind. It was a pretty nice morning and I ran 6.5 miles in just under 60 minutes. The head wind sure takes it out of you but it is sure nice when it is pushing you along. I did have a little run in with a small pack of mutts. I got a good kick in on the most aggressive one and cam e away unscathed. I felt pretty good but had hoped to go more like 8 miles when I started but wasn't up to it that morning. I've decided to increase the frequency that I run if not necessarily the mileage.

Braggin on me

Saturday I ran my first ever race (a 5K) my goal was to finish in less than 30 minutes and I figured anything between 27 and 29 would be a miracle. I rounded the last curve and looked at my watch, it said 22. something and I got the crazy idea I could finish in less than 26. I did it in 25:40. I ranked 12th in my age bracket. I was pretty stoked.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm happy to be here

Good day. I got in a 9.3 mile run in 70 minutes. The local 10 miler is in two weeks, but no other information has been posted. These people are silly. Keep runnin y'all. Hey Wade, Melissa tells me you've been thinking about some girl.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yesterday was my day off work and I was feeling lazy so I didn't get up early and run. By the time I was done with Scouts that night I still hadn't run so I jumped on the treadmill and started running. I was going to do 4 miles but when I got there I was feeling so good that I kept going. I was thinking of doing 7-8 miles when my right knee started aching and since I've promised myself to listen to this old decrepit body, I stopped at 5.5 and ran it in just under 48 minutes. It felt good. Of course Iwas tired this morning and didn't get up to lift so now I have to lift after work. Cause and effect!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So yesterday I had a nice little run in the rain!! Good thing it hadn't started snowing yet! I'm not sure how long of a run it was, I'm figuring between 4 and 5 miles, or how long it took me, probably 40 or 45 min, but I do know that Logan hills are awesome!! Need to do some more of that kinda stuff since thats what I'm going to be running. Keep on running guys!!! Love you all!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Min? Who the heck is Min??

WOW! It's been a long time since I contributed to this share session! I am still running and I am still reading. I'm sorry to hear about so many injuries and such. I am more than impressed, however, that not one person has said "I quit!" That means a lot more to me than you will ever realize!
My running has been consistent. That's the only word I can think of. I've had a few good runs and a few bad runs and a lot of just plain runs! I did however have a fabulous run in Star Valley. I think Jer was there pushing me along. I did 4 miles in 33:48. That's faster than I've ever run before! I have started doing some hill workouts and speed workouts as well. I wanted to run my 10 miler outside today, but I decided I didn't want to tempt fate with the snow plows, so I got up at 4:30 this morning, watched Transformers II and ran and ran! Then I got to do something kinda fun, I went to Heber and got my passport papers all turned in!! Wow are those things expensive. Can't wait to go on my trip though.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. The sun is shining right now and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it! I will see some of you very soon!! Love you all and Happy Running!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well besides being frustrated with the weather getting crappy again, I found out that I have to get another surgery done on my left leg. The vein doctor didn't get everything taken care of last year when they closed off my great saphenous vein so now they are going to go in and rip the rest of it out on the 15th of April. I am just hoping that it won't cut in to my training schedule to much. Oh well the joys that come from having kids and getting older. Keep up the good work everybody...... I have the utmost confidence that you will all amply make up for what I lack.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I haven't checked in for a while because I was out of town last week. I spent 5 days in Tampa at a conference. I have to say, that I feel like I am doing much better. I ran 4 days last week and didn't have any trouble with my right IT. My left groin is still giving me a little grief but seems to be improving. I am keeping my pace at 9 min miles so that I don't over do things until we get a little closer to race day. My competitive nature, even against myself, makes this a difficult thing for me but my wife is good at reining me in. Muscle strengthening seems to be what I needed because I have continued to lift through all of this as well. The great thing about running in Tampa was that I never got winded, being at sea level and all. If my legs could have done it I felt like I could run forever. Saturday I ran 6 miles, on a treadmill because I was not running outside in the dark in Tampa, and felt really good doing it. I did tend to sweat more there, and that is saying something coming from me:) Anyway, I don't want to jinx it, but I am doing pretty well right now.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I hurt my back last Saturday, and haven't run since. I guess I'm getting to old to try and haul a full-size couch with hide-a-bed all by myself, but I did it anyway. That's why my back hurts. I've been doing a lot of stretching totry and get it to feel better, but no running. The running, however, begins again in earnest. I am excited for the nicer weather, so that I can run without freezing my fat butt off, and without wearing an additional twenty pounds of clothing. I'm packing enough weight on my own, I don't need more clothes weighing me down! Don't get discouraged, folks, y'all are awesome! RUN ON!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

more from me

So, I was reticent to add any more of my successes. However, Dad told me I needed to so here it goes. Saturday was a very good day. I had intended to run 7 miles, and call it good, but at 6.5 I was still feeling really good. So I ran an extra mile. At least I measured it as 8 miles. I ran it in a great 66 minutes too. Feeling rather pleased, I hopped on my motorcycle and made sure that I had indeed ran 8 miles. I feared that I had guessed to long a distance. I made the route and behold it was actually 8.5 miles. That again is less than 8 min mile.

There are several runs coming up here in the community. A 10 miler and a breakfast run/walk. I think I'll go ahead and participate. It'll be good for me to run some competitions before I come up to the relay. Keep it up y'all. We are very blessed folks to have the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm excited to participate in Conference soon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haven't Posted

I haven't posted in a while because there isn't much to report. I have really decreased my mileage because I can only get about 2.5 miles before I start to hurt. I have started lifting 3 days a week and decreased my run to 3 days a week but top out at a distance of 3-4 miles before I'm forced to quit. I think the strengthening is helping though so I will keep it up for now and hopefully back at things with a vengeance in May? We'll just have to see. I guess being tied right now as one of the 2 old farts on the team should have clued me in sooner:)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

another milestone

I ran 4.1 miles in 32:09. That is less than an 8 min mile. Praying for you Annie.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Great meeting

Just wanted to say THANKS! to all who were able to come to the meeting. It was great to meet Katie, and even though I think I am more scared now than ever before, it was good to get together. I have been extremely discouraged because of all the injuries that Jonathan and I are experiencing, and now I believe that we are going to need the faith and prayers of everyone that we will even be able to finish the race. I haven't been able to run for about 3 weeks now because of my knee and I'm hoping that it will eventually heal. It hasn't felt like this since after my surgery 17 years ago. Man how old I am! I'm so grateful that everyone else is doing so well! It is so fun to read everyone successes! Maybe someday I will be able to post one! I suppose for me just trying is the biggest success of all. Thanks for the encouragement, I'm still walking, but it is just not the same!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Finally, a Saturday that I actually felt good. I got 7 miles in 59 min. no breaks. Ah success.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So probably the thing I hate more than running, is sprinting, which is a form of running but a really ridiculous form a running. Our team captain, he isn't officially but I will refer to him as such, he's done tons of running, he just did a half marathon sometime last fall. And his legs are about twice the length of mine, he likes to sprint. Today we did two 1,200m, two 800m, and two 400m. The only thing I have to say afterwords is, I hurt.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I haven't posted in a while because I don't have alot to report. Since I pulled my right IT 2 Saturdays ago I have really had to scale back my runs. This last Saturday I did 4.5 miles and it took 37 minutes. We did go to the hot pools Saturday night and I felt a lot better afterwords but Sunday morning everything was back to usual. I guess I will have to back down on training, again, for a while and heal up.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Back at it

After a minor set-back (I bruised my sacro-lumbar joint and spine snowboarding) I was back at running today. Boy how things change in a week. I had absolutely no desire to go running at all. I ended up pushing myself and went 5.1 miles but I was the slowest I've ran since January. I just hope I can get back my motivation and strength to be back where I was.

Friday, March 5, 2010

so i ran yesterday 5.6 miles on a stupid 52 minutes. i had been running the first 3 days this week outside in the warm sunshine and then it decided to rain. i am definitely enjoying the outdoor runs much better than treadmill ones now. i also added my strength training back in this week and well today i can barely walk.......but hey its suppose to make you run faster and well lose more weight( something i need todo after this winter). brev is wearing running shoes and him and kyle are now "runners" around the block:) pushed the two of them in a stroller thinking i'd run with them...yea right they weigh almost a hundred pounds together and after a mile i hurt! gotta love the kids atleast they want to get involved.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I just wanted to let you all know that you all inspire me soooo freaking much! You are my heroes! I was running today, dogging it hardcore, when I thought about Jeremy looking down and laughing himself sick at all of us poor out of shape country kids who are out running like idiots. Oh, the funny bone got me and I started chuckling a little. I'm sure he's very happy with us, and I'm honored to be a part of this, this great team. You all will always be an important part of my life, running or not. I think this team is the best team ever! EVER!!! Anyone who is discouraged or not happy about where they are, just remember, it's not the distance you run that matters, nor is it how long it takes you to run that distance. The mere fact that you chose to get off the couch and hoof it for any distance makes you a definite WINNER! Our team is full of winners, and I'm proud to be a part of it. RUN ON!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chocolate Milk is AMAZING!!

Ok all, if you are wondering what the best after run recovery nourishment is, I'll tell you: CHOCOLATE MILK!! It is amazing how refreshed I feel after a nice glass of the brown stuff.

As for my training, I have run 2 times this week with 17 miles under my belt!! That's right I managed to do 10 miles today! I even got done before my treadmill turned off. (Note to those who have a treadmill, many of them stop after 100 minutes.) So after being totally bummed out after my running last week, I am feeling pretty good this week. I will still run 2 more times this week so I may even get more than 25 miles. We'll see.

As for the rest of my training I recently purchased a punching bag and have enjoyed having something to get my aggression out on. I need to invest in some sort of protection for my hands however since Bob (the bag) has been beating me up just as much as I have been beating him up! It's kinda fun though. I found out just how uncoordinated I am kicking, however, when I almost landed on my behind!

Hope you are all having a great week and that your running will be tolerable! Happy Running!


So I've started training with some of my buddies that are doing the cross country team also. I've had a bit of a cold the last week and thus my running has suffered. Yesterday we worked on speed. Not something that I'm at all good at, especially since I've just been going for distance. Well that kicked my trash, but by the end of this I should be in good shape for the Wasatch!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rock me like a Hurricane

I ran 5 miles in 42 minutes this morning. Felt good. It was probably about 25 degrees out, so really pleasant! I'm still not running as well as I used to, it's probably because I'm still a freaking fatty. But I'm working on that too. I look forward to seeing you all at the team meeting! RUN ON!

Monday, March 1, 2010

That's Lame

Ya I feel like a slacker too Min. I've been trying for 7-8 miles on Saturdays lately, but I can't seem to get past 4 even though I'm running 5s during the week. Grrr. Not enough sleep maybe? I'm hoping for a few tens before the race so I can honestly say I can do all my legs with no problems. I am very grateful to be healthy however. Hope all y'alls aches heal. Today I did 5 in 41.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Was Feeling Pretty Good

So I got on here thinking I could really brag about what I've been doing until I read all of your posts! You guys are way kicking my behind. Way to go!! I am so excited to see all of you doing so well. And those of you not posting, I'm sure you're doing well too! I wish I could be faster, but maybe I just need to realize that I will never be. Oh well. I did get 23 miles in this week and hopefully will walk a little tonight to get closer to my Trek Across Utah goals. Keep up the good work and the race in June will be a breeze! Happy Running!

When will it end?

So I have been sick this week and did not run wednesday and thursday but I was feeling good so I went for a 6.5 mile run outside today. It is a beautiful day outside. I was doing really well when at 4 miles my right knee started hurting so I slowed down and tried to work it out and then had to stop and stretch it but it just kept getting worse. So I ran my 6 in just over 54 minutes but I had to walk the last 1/2 mile home. At least it isn't my left ankle:)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last night I ran home from work. 23 degrees outside, after a day of work I ran 4.5 miles in 40 minutes. 8:55 pace per mile!! I haven't been under 9 min miles forever! I doubt I can keep it up every time I run but it's becoming a more possible goal!

Back at it

Hey team, I am still here. I haven't posted for a while cause I was so discouraged by my knee issues, but they seem to have resolved. Through some careful physical therapy, ice, heat and rest I haven't had sore knees for a week or two. Last week my family and I were in Bear Lake and I started running outside. Now I hate the treadmill even more. Running outside doesn't seem to stress my knees as bad. I am slowly regaining my distance running and enjoying running outside. Run on.

Monday, February 22, 2010

okay so i totally didn't realize that the schedule was uped this week, none the less i did still get 24 miles in even with the 2 miles less running that i should've done:) my long run was only 6 1/2 but did it in right at an hour. now waiting for the weather to warm back up. hate getting wade you're not the only one who is a pansie!

4 miles, -5 degrees. Owie lungs.

I ran 4 miles this morning in 36 minutes,27 seconds, and the temperature was 5 below zero. It felt great, but I was wheezing for several hours afterward. I feel pretty good now that it's evening time. I'm looking forward to another 4 tomorrow and then stretching it to 5 on Wednesday. Saturday I'm looking at doing 10 miles. I'll let y'all know how it goes. Run On!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I ran 7 miles today but it was not as fast as I would have liked. I actually had to stop and stretch twice and I didn't have any kick left for the 1/4 mile sprint at the end. Hopefully this funk will end soon and I can start improving again. On a positive note, I hardly hurt at all while I ran.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Umm. . . ya

Well, I finnaly pushed myself to 6 miles. 53 somethin or other, but it was definately a 53! And I decided to join the intermural housing cross-country team, seemed like it would be a good way to train. And somehow within the running and the playing and the little sleeping that I do I find time to do homework, amazing ;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No Complaints

Thought I should post someting that was actually not me complaining! What a switch! It was fun to run outside with Jonathan on Saturday, although it was interesting to feel my legs when I was done. I have never run outside, so it was a new experience for me! Needless to say, we are going to try to get all our Sat. runs outside now! Today I made a new milestone. I ran 4 miles! 4.4 if you count warm-up, cool-down! I'm also going to start 4 runs this week, so we'll see how that goes. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks, right?!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

so i did my long run outside yesterday. iot was inthe 50's. 6.3 mile in 59' 30. its easier to run the longer distances outdoors versus the treadmill! hope you are all enjoying the training. sure keeps me logging those miles. maybe i will actually get my 1000 in this year!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beautiful Day

It is so warm today! I went for my 6 mile run outside and it felt good! My ankle actually held up very well though I wasn't pushing myself very hard. Kimberli even ran outside with me and that was nice. It was fun to have something to chase;)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

so i am loving the training schedule..... i ran 23 miles last week and its getting easier again! i joined the y so kenzie don't have to watch boys anymore so running is a family affair:) kenz is even exercising...the pre puberty gitters making her self conscious! thanks for the leg assignments I am excited even with changing with kimberli. btw I am back online after 6 mos w no internet! my new email address is again

New pains, no gain

Thank you Chris for the leg assignments. Seeing how I am one of the weak links, Jessica has agreed to trade me legs. I hope that doesn't cause a problem for you. I was a little nervous about the first leg of my run. I have still only gone 3 1/2 miles at a time running, and I'm still having trouble with my feet and ankles. I think I just have weak ankles, I don't know. They are still in the process of adjusting my orthotics and I hope they will help me. Some days I feel great and others, like today, I feel like I better not run anymore or I won't be able to walk. I wish that I had running bodies like the rest of you and could pump out 6 miles without a problem. Hopefully that will come sometime before June.

Leg Assignments

Van 1 Leg #
Chandra Parry 1
Jessica Cox 2
Jonathan Williams 3
Kimberli Williams 4
Chris Cox 5
Chris Parry 6

Van 2

Kimberly George 7
Danny George 8
Mic Cox 9
Brendan Cox 10
Katie Johnson 11
Wade Cox 12

Monday, February 8, 2010

Slightly frustrating

Last week I was able to run outside but apparently my ankle is not ready for that. My ankle hurt all day Thursday and Friday so I decided not to run Saturday. I had to work all day anyway so I was a little tired when I got home. So last week I only did 12 miles when I had planned 18. I got back on it this morning but that stupid ankle is more sore than it has been since I restarted with training. Imight have to take it easy this week again. We will see. The last thing I want is another fracture and the second to last thing I want is to back slide as well.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just a Little Further

That is my mantra as I'm running.... just a little further! So far it's been working! I was able to run 20 miles again this week. We started Monday off running after Brinci went to school. Toby decided he doesn't mind when I run with him awake cuz I usually let him watch a show while I shower! Anyway, I ran 5 miles, just easy. On Wednesday a miracle happened and I actually woke up early and ran. I decided to do a hill workout so I threw in a few hills. As I was finishing my last hill push, Toby came downstairs with an emergency. I had to stop running and help him. I was able to get back on before I had to wake up the other kids and finished with 7 miles. Then on Friday Bruce cancelled on me so I decided to go a little longer than I had thought at first. I did a 4 mile steady state run which felt great! my warm up and cool down was also 4 miles so I ended my running week with 8 miles!
This has nothing to do with running but I want to share. I went to Time Out For Women in Ogden this weekend and had a blast with my Kunz family. There were a lot of good talks and a lot of crying, but all in all it was a good time. We were eating dinner and I get a text from my babysitter saying "PLEASE CALL!!!" I called and found out that Gage had decided to try to be superman and jumped off a table. Well, 4 hours and 5 stiches later, I saw my poor little guy! He bit clear through his bottom lip. Had to get 3 stiches on the inside and two on the outside. His lip is so swollen but he's so proud of his stiches!! He tells whoever will listen that he didn't even cry and he has stiches! What a stinker.
Good luck in all your training. Happy Running!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I had a really nice 8.5 miler today. I took it easy and feel great. Nice temperature and clean air down here in Syracuse.
7 miles 57:00. no breaks. yay.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh ya, 2nd 5 miles

Well yesterday I went to the treadmill and started running, figured I'd do 3 miles or so, but I got in a real good rhythm and decided to do the 5. After the 5 I tried for more but only got another quarter mile in, but I did get the five in 46:01 or somthing, not as fast as all you crazies but I'm proud of it. And Chris I'd love to get those links, That would probably be the best thing to get ready for the Wasatch.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Race anyone?

In order to combat my lack of racing experience I have decided to run some 5K this spring. The first one is in Layton on April 10. May 8 there is one in Smithfield and on June 10 there is one in St. Anthony, I think. If anybody wants to run with me I will post the links that I have in the left side of the blog.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rough morning

So I got up at 5:00 this morning to feed animals and then run. I started my 4 mile run but my left calf and IT kept knotting up on me. After 2 miles of run, stop, stretch then run again, I gave up. I decided I would try again tonight. I got home from work a little earlier than usual so there was still day light. I decided to run outside. It felt so good! I was a little nervous since the last time I ran outside did not turn out as well for me but I ran my 4 miles in about 34 minutes. Not as fast as I would have liked, but not bad for the conditions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pet Peeves

There are a few things I hate about running and while I was running today I was making a list in my mind.
1. Red air days here in Cache Valley so I'm confined to a treadmill or not running at all.
2. Running on a stupid treadmill.
3. The difference in my paces on a treadmill and outside, even when I push myself on the stupid treadmills my pace is around 2 min/mile slower than running outside (maybe it's a mental block or something but I still hate it).
4. Cars that honk at you when you're running just to honk (and the fact that I always jump when they do).
5. Cars that think they need to drive as close to you without hitting you as possible because you're in "their" road. (If the sidewalk is non-existent or buried under a foot of snow I think it's ok to run on the shoulder of the road).
There were some more but of course I couldn't remember them once I was finished running. But as a side note I ran 5.2 miles in 49:43 today and it was icy roads and only 25 degrees. I was pretty excited to be able to keep my pace in the same range when I increase from 3.5 miles to 5.2.
Also here is a link for a funny article about running.

Bad Week

So when I wrote last I had all intentions of being super positive on my next entry, well life threw me a screwball last week! I ended up getting strep throat from my lovely daughter. I couldn't believe how worn out I felt. Stupid bacteria's anyway!! Needless to say by Friday night I had only logged in 11 miles so to fulfill my goal, that would require a pretty major run on Sat. I got all gung ho about running after the kids went to bed so that we could spend the day together (I had promised them we could go play in the backyard) I put them to bed, got on the treadmill and my knee decided it was done after 5 miles. So I walked for a mile and decided I could do another running mile, then I walked another mile and ran another mile! So all in all I ran 7 miles and walked 2. That put me 2 miles short of my goal, but way further than I thought I would get at the beginning of the week. I ended the month with 93 miles which was more than last month so I felt pretty good about that. Just gotta keep listening to these aging bodies and go with what they tell us right?! Hope everyone is having some success in all their training. BTW Ragnar training officially started so those who have been lazy, you better get up off that couch!! (yes Bucky, that means you too :) Happy Running!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Leg Assignments

Hi everyone, hope all is going well. I exchanged an email with Chris C. and he said I can go ahead and give out leg assignments (if this is ok with everyone else) I know a lot of you have a specific leg in mind, but if you all could give me your top three choices in order of preference that would be great. I'll do my best to get everyone what they want. Also, if you want to be in a specific van with a spouse or what not let me know. Please email the info. at As soon as everyone gets me their info I can give out the assignments.
Chris P.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weak link

Well after reading everyone posts about how well they are doing and their distances I definitely feel like the weak like in this group. I was pretty proud of myself for getting at least 2 miles in 2 to 3 times a week but it looks and sounds like I better pick up the pace and encourage Danny to do the same thing. I sure hope we don't disappoint.

I was also wondering if anyone has started to look at what leg or what runner they want to be I have been looking over the map and think that I would like to be runner 7 if nobody else has a problem with that. I felt like with my lack of experience that I would be comfortable with those legs and it is feasible for me to be trained for those distances with out a problem at all. Just let me know what you think.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another day

This morning I went to the Field House again to run my 5. Ran in 38:05 and then biked 5.5 miles, it felt great! I decided I should probably decrease my speed and start working on distance again on Saturdays. So next week I'll set the goal for 8.
So I finally got to do my Saturday run in the morning, though I did sleep in. I ran my 5 miles in 39:24. It felt really good and I just kept running faster. This was on the treadmill of course. I still don't dare run outside on my ankle. I'm like el Capitan Crusty, I sure enjoy running and wish I had started sooner.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Runnin like a champ

Well sort of like a champ anyway. So about a week before I came back down to Logan my knee started hurtin me so I decided to take it easy for the next little while, but it still hurt if I went over 2.5 miles. So since I don't want to risk anything any further I have been taking my running very slow and haven't done anything over 3 miles, but my knee is starting to get better, it only takes an hour or two after my run, and some ibuprofen, and then it feels great! So thats were I'm at right now and am getting better all the time. You guys are doing awesome and are really pushing me here. Sat runs have been put on a halt because of snowboarding, just fyi! :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Still HEre

I thought I should post, since I hadn't for quite awhile. In my last post I explained my frustration with my knees and not being able to run. I took a week off from running and then ran another week and pushed too hard towards the end of the week and haven't run again this whole week. Next week I will take it slower. I am surprised by how much I enjoy running. I feel better all day (not physically, but emotionally). I wish I had started ruinning a long time ago.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Goal

I have been getting lax in my running and started only running twice a week, once during the week then on Saturdays. I have now made a goal to increase my running to at least three times a week. Not a specific distance, just what my body feels like for that day since I will be running more frequent. Today I ran 3.5 miles and I'm planning on going Thursday and Saturday. I'm hoping posting this will also be a motivator to keep up this goal.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slowly, but surely

So I have taken everyone's advice very literally and kept my running miles down very low, and my body seems to be handling things a lot better. I went back to the PT last week and she is ordering me some orthotics, so we'll see how that goes. I have also been working on my core strengthening and I think it will help a lot to get that stronger, so my running form is more correct. This week I have been able to run 2 1/2 mi. each time I run without a problem, so I plan to just increase slightly each week and take it easy. If it hurts too much, I quit, instead of just ignoring the pain. I'm thinking I might just walk on my days off so that I can get more miles in each week. 9 miles per week is pretty lame, when some of you are doing that in one day! :) You are all inspiring to me and I hope that someday I can keep up. As for the legs of the race, I call for one of the easy ones because I am a BIG pansy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Guilt, what a motivator

So I sat down and read everybodies blogs posts and it motivated me to get off my lazy parts and run. I did nit run this morning because we were up until 1:30 visiting with my brother and his wife. In the morning we had to leave at 8:00 to go to my Aunts funeral down in Preston and we didn't get home until 6:00. I had talked myself out of running today but after I read every ones posts I decided to get my five miles done, so I did. Now I'm sitting here sweating but feel much better about myself. Thank you everybody for being so inspiring.

Love-hate relationship

Well I woke up this morning and came to the realization that running outside was not an option. With everyone still asleep I decided to head off to the field house and run on the dreadful treadmill. I usually hate the field house but it wasn't too crowed in the morning and was only a little stuffy. I pushed myself more than usual and was able to run my 5 miles in 38:18. Thats the best I've done in awhile. I'm slowly making my come back. With most of the team being new to running, I wonder if we should start assigning legs so we all have motivation and an idea what we need to be prepared for. When I had my own team last year I had everyone pick out 3 legs in order of preference and was able to assign them accordingly. I could help with this if you would like, but I don't want to overstep my bounds. Let me know. Keep running strong.

mental excercise

At 1.5 miles today my mind kept telling my body that I was done. I was able to convince myself to keep going, but at 4 miles, I had to walk for a bit. Then off running again, attempting to convince myself that I can make my goal of 6 miles. I did it! I was so happy with myself. 49:15 was my time. I think that's good.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Week Done

Hey Guys: Here is my running report for the week. I actually hope to get some more in tomorrow but I have 20 miles as of this morning so we'll see! I started the week with a pretty good 6 mile run on the treadmill. I tried to go a little faster than my slow 10:00 min/mile pace. Then on Wednesday I was going to get up early and run but ended up getting woken up too many times that night with a sick Brinci so I decided to sleep in. I've been trying to potty train this week as well so I had to wait until Gage took a nap to get on the treadmill. I had to stop 2.5 miles into my run to use the potty and was really nervous that I wasn't going to be able to make it as long as I wanted but I kept pushing on and lo and behold I did it!! I finished my 9 miles. It felt really good. Then that night I was watching a sad movie so I decided to walk on the treadmill through it so that I wouldn't cry as hard (I don't think that tactic worked) and ended up walking 5 more miles! I finished this morning with a 5 mile run at a 9:22 pace. I felt really good through the whole thing. So that being said, next week is going to be horrid. That seems to be how this running thing works. You do well one day, not so good the next. I liked how Jonathan said he is listening to his body. That's what we all need to do and just brush the bad runs off and keep going forward! Thank you all for your encouragement and great comments on here! I love to see what you all have been up to. Happy Running!!

Icon Clothes

Hey guys: Here's the update on the clothes. Katie and Nate met with Icon yesterday and picked out some things for us to wear. There is a bright green shirt for the ladies and a white with green on the side for men. There is a women's jacket and a men's jacket. The only shorts we decided on are the men's. The women's were just to short! So anyway I don't have individual prices but if you were to get all the thing it would total $50 for the men and $60 for the women. I think the women's jacket is a little more or something. Anyway, don't feel like you have to purchase any of this or purchase what you can. I would like to support the guy who has been working on this for a while so even if you can do a shirt, that would be great. For those who haven't run in a moisture wicking shirt yet, it might be beneficial to try it! It's amazing what a difference it makes. If you would like pictures of any of these, Nate sent them to me so let me know and I'll email them. Katie and Nate are the models so just ignore that part! Hope all is going well!

Too Early

So 5:00am was too early yesterday and I couldn't drag myself out of bed. That translated into running my 3 miles last night. The good part of that was I could watch a movie while running which I can't do in the morning or I might have some very upset locals to deal with, ie. Kimberli, Austin, and Kimball. (Jarett and Porter would likely sleep through any amount of noise) Running at 9:00 pm is not as easy as in the morning and makes it harder to go to sleep later, but we must push on, right? can't be a whimpy cry baby. SO, onward and upward!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I haven't been able to keep up my running like I've hoped. Between the crappy air quality here and it getting dark so early my only options have been a treadmill and I can't go distance on treadmills. I have done a couple of short runs on the treadmill but tonight was my first long run in a while. I went 4 miles and part of it was a pretty big hill. My mile of hill running was at a pace of 12 min miles then the rest of my run after that I made up for the time by averaging a 9.6 min mile pace in spite of the icy road conditions. It feels good to be running again I just hope the air quality stays somewhat good so I can keep it up.

Rough Day

Today was a hard run. I had to slow down and it took me almost as long to run 4 miles as it did to run 5 miles last Saturday. But I'm listening to my body better to prevent re-injury. I finally settled into a steady pace and started to loosen up about 3 miles in. I saw my physical therapist again yesterday because my ankle was feeling tight again so she loosened me up and gave me some exercises to strengthen my core which seems to be the source of all my trouble. Maybe if I had a little less "core" it wouldn't be so much trouble:)

Great Article

Hey Guys, This might be to late for some of you but here is a good article of how to build up your base so you can train right. That way you don't get injured!! Hope you enjoy it. I only read the first few paragraphs so hopefully it will be helpful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looking Fabulous

Hey Guys, Icon has decided that since our teams are going to be on the spotlight a lot during the Wasatch Back they want us to look good. They have offered both the Wannabe and the Don't Really Wannabe teams running clothes at a discount. We are meeting with them on Thursday to discuss cost and styles. You are under no obligation to purchase these clothes, but be thinking about it. I'll let you know what the actual cost is when I find out. I think it's really cool that they are doing this. So many people want to help us in so many ways! Happy Running!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I did my 5 miles this morning in 41 minutes and 30 sec. I was a little trepidations about going that far but decided to anyway. The ankle started out feeling great, then got pretty sore about 1 mile in so I had to stop and stretch it a little and then finished feeling great. I think I'll stay at 15 miles per week for a couple of weeks before I start pushing things farther.
6 miles 51:30. I took it easy as this was a bad week apparently. Monday is holiday for government employees :) Unfortunately that means tuesday I get to do monday and tuesdays work :(

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cough Cough

Well, I don't like treadmills very much but the way things are looking I better start liking them. I haven't ran since Sat.'s 6.6. We need a storm or something to clean this Cache Valley Air.
Nothing big to report. I ran 3 miles in about 23 minutes this morning. Looking forward to my 5 miles this Saturday. GOOD TIMES!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I ran 4 miles this morning in about 32 minutes. Again, my ankle hurt for the first 2 miles and then it loosened up but my I was really dogging it right to the end of the run. I'm looking forward to a 5 miler this weekend and see how my ankle holds up.

Keep on keeping on!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I ran 1.5 miles (yipee.) without walking on Mon. and I'm happy to say that my foot is doing awesome. Now, I just need to build up my lungs so I don't pass out from oxygen deprivation. My legs are lasting longer than my lungs are. Another thing I discovered is that I don't think I have any abs any more. I am wanting to strengthen them so it will help me run. I'm really not sure, but I tried to find them to work them out this morning, and I really could not locate them. I'm fairly certain that if I were doing my exercises correctly, my abs should feel some sort of ache or pain, but nothing. Hmmm. Guess I'll keep trying.


I have been experiencing knee pain the last couple of days. I think it is patellar tendonitis. I can't run for a while and that bugs me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I was able to run 3 miles again this morning and felt even better than on Saturday. I'm so excited to get re-started! It felt good to run.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Here we go again!

I ran 3 miles on Saturday. My left ankle was pretty sore for the first 2 miles but then it seemed to loosen up. I am going to restart my marathon training schedule in the morning and hope and pray for the best!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hey, it's MOM

I finally got someone to show me how to do this. I wanted to blow you all away with MY record. I broke the 23 min mile today--even got up to 3.5 in a sprint so I could get my mile and still make it to breakfast with the boys. It's a good thing I'm not "running" with you, but thank you for being such good examples to me and for my torture machine (my affectionate name). I'm actually losing weight, which is very nice.

improved time

5 miles 40:40. 4 minutes better than last 5 miler

Friday, January 8, 2010

Good News

Hey Team,
Ragnar got their website rebuilt and we are officially in. We should be team number 2 by the end of this or next week. By the way, do Chris and Chandra live within 10 miles of the race?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Feeling Lazy

So Monday I ran 1.5 miles before my ankle started hurting bad enough to make me stop, which isn't too bad because I have a low threshold for this ankle. I didn't run Tuesday and Kimball kept us up a bit that night so I slept in Wednesday. I decided to run in the evening on Wednesday and when I went to work I found out that my orthotics had arrived. So, Last night I ran on my new orthotics and was only able to run a mile before my ankle started hurting again, but this morning it feels pretty good. We'll see how it goes this weekend for a 3 mile run, I think?!?.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nice Finish to the Year

First of all I want to ask the CRAZIES why they are going so fast? Is it just to see if you can or what? Please fill me in!!! I finished the year with 1118 miles! I was pretty proud of myself. Hopefully I'll be able to do 1000 again this year. I ran a 6 miler on the indoor track in Star Valley which was nice. It was awfully cold up there! Then I did a five miler on the treadmill. Thanx Mom for letting me stink up your place! I kinda wish that I would have ran 2 more miles to make it a more rounded number, oh well. We came home from Star Valley on Friday and I ran 3 on the treadmill. On Sat. I went for a 6 miler with Bruce. He runs WAY too fast and I'm running out of things to ask him so that he has to do all the talking! It's been really good for me though to get my mind off the pain.
Hopefully we will all continue to train smart and hard! Good Luck with all your new goals and Happy Running!

Monday, January 4, 2010

during the break

I was lazy and didn't run last week. Then I only ran 2.5 miles this morning. I had runner gut pretty bad, I'm blaming it on Fast Sunday. My one run in Bancroft resulted in 3.5 miles and I ran for approximately 1.5 minutes at a 12 on the treadmill. Holy cow I thought that 10 was bad. The first couple miles were heinous since the belt was loose on the Eliasons treadmill and I was sliding all over. I finally stopped and fixed it. Made the run much nicer then.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

I want to officially welcome the Perry's to our team! Sorry it has taken me so long, but I believe I am once again on the mend. Jonathan talked me into going to the PT and she worked wonders on my foot. She found things that hurt that I never knew existed. My foot is healing very nicely and I have been able to run on it a little for the last week. Actually, Saturday, my lungs gave out before my foot did, so this week I'm expecting great things from myself (slowly, of course!) I am determined to run this race just because I am irritated at my body for making me feel like I'm old. I have a lot of physical goals for myself in this new year, and running this race is definitely one of them. Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement. I never believed that I could run, and I definitely won't break any speed records, but simply to finish will be an amazing feat for me. Keep up the good work all of you, and I will try not to complain so much!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

5 miles

It's 2 days late, but I finally got my 5 miler in!! Thanks to you all for pushing me!